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Another way to create Settings views

iPhone Development  

Craig Hockenberry has also created an API for Settings views. But unlike mySettings his API creates the views from code instead of plists. Like this:

- (void)constructTableGroups
NSMutableArray *cells = [NSMutableArray array];
IFTextCellController *textCell = [[[IFTextCellController alloc] initWithLabel:@"Text" andPlaceholder:@"Placeholder" atKey:@"sampleText" inModel:model] autorelease];
[cells addObject:textCell];
IFSwitchCellController *switchCell = [[[IFSwitchCellController alloc] initWithLabel:@"Switch" atKey:@”sampleSwitch” inModel:model] autorelease];
[cells addObject:switchCell];
tableGroups = [[NSArray arrayWithObject:cells] retain];

Check it out at .

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